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程序名称: SDL Passolo 2018
软件类型: Translation
发行日期: 6 October 2021
网站主页: https://www.sdl.com/software-and-services/translation-software/software-localization/sdl-passolo/
界面语言: 英文,中文
支持平台: Windows
文件大小: 325.9 MB
SDL Passolo 2018是一个模板资源编辑器,用于将程序翻译成世界上各种语言,具有高级功能,微调和内置拼写检查功能。SDL Passolo拥有一个可视化对话框编辑器,其中包含许多便捷的格式设置工具,支持使用几乎所有资源。
SDL Passolo可以帮助翻译人员在本地化程序方面节省大量时间和精力。这是由于该程序提供了自动翻译功能,以及针对大多数常见错误对翻译后的文本进行验证的事实。自动翻译功能是在某些词典的存在下执行的,Internet上有很多词典,包括Microsoft的词典。如果现成的字典不适合您,那么您可以自己创建它们。一次翻译一个程序并将翻译列表导出到词典就足够了。将来,在翻译程序的新版本时可以连接此词典。
SDL Passolo 2018 v18.0 功能
- 专业的应用程序来处理本地化过程
- 具有直观用户界面的简单直接的应用程序
- 不需要任何特定的编码技能即可操作该应用程序
- 处理用户界面翻译并增强本地化过程
- 找到软件的所有元素,例如字符串,菜单,位图,对话框等
- 不需要访问源文本文件和代码
- 目前测试软件并防止常见问题
- 找出违禁翻译并进行监控
- 创建准确的文档并处理最佳实践
- 通过所见即所得编辑器查看对话框和菜单
- 许多其他强大的选项和功能
- SDL Passolo 2018支持多种文件格式和语言。在SDL Passolo的所有版本中,您可以使用各种软件本地化项目,从最新版本的Microsoft .NET文件筛选器到复杂的解析器,以本地化移动应用程序。可以通过下载Passolo SDL文件格式的文档来找到完整列表。
- 功能更新选项以简化新软件版本的翻译。所有现有的翻译和布局均保持不变,因此翻译者足以处理新的和更改的文本。
- 合并功能使您可以自动导入以前的译文并调整布局。
- 查看编辑的完整历史记录,并能够回滚到以前的版本。
- 借助易于使用的同步功能,您可以导入最新翻译,从而支持快速开发流程。
- 项目中的用户管理和任务管理
- 可视化本地化-基于“所见即所得”(所见即所得)原理的编辑器,以与正在运行的软件相同的形式显示软件的菜单和对话框。
- 使用特殊的测试和显示功能对设备(嵌入式系统)进行本地化。
- 伪翻译允许开发人员测试软件并防止全球化错误,例如在源代码中包含文本。
- 内部翻译记忆库可用于自动初步翻译和单个文本字符串的交互式翻译。
- 与SDL TMS,SDL WorldServer,SDL Trados Studio,SDL MultiTerm和相关服务器组件SDL Studio GroupShare集成。
- 连接到机器翻译(例如SDL Language Cloud)后,您可以使用行业特定的MP机制并添加自己的术语。
- 存储的过滤器,以及“查找”,“替换”,“排序”和“分组”功能。
- 自动分发使翻译重复行和插入独特的键盘快捷键变得容易。
- 控制文本的长度(以字符或像素为单位)
- 用户界面检查可检测到裁切的线条,控件的覆盖,缺少或不一致的键盘快捷键等。
- 技术完整性检查可检测到缺少的译文,监视空格和制表符的正确使用,并在目标代码中通知无效字符的使用。
- 自定义验证存根以正确使用。由于字符串模式,可以找到并验证自定义存根。
- 对语言完整性的控制意味着监视给定术语的正确使用,搜索禁止的单词,翻译中的禁止的术语以及检测重复文本行中的不一致
- 命令行界面-SDL Passolo的所有全功能版本均通过命令行支持自动化,以及与环境的集成构建用于软件生产的服务器。
- COM对象模型和集成开发环境可自动执行重复性任务或与外部系统集成。
- Passolo的SDL软件开发套件(SDK)允许用户开发自己的插件,例如,在显示软件界面时本地化自定义文件格式。
- 从SDL AppStore应用商店下载插件以扩展SDL Passolo功能
- 兼容Microsoft Windows 的PC(包括基于Intel的Apple Mac计算机,带有Windows(作为操作系统),具有1 GHz或更高,32位(x86)或64位
- (x64)处理器和2 GB RAM(32位)或4 GB RAM(64位)
- 屏幕分辨率为1280x1024像素和256色或更多
- 2 GB的可用磁盘空间来运行SDL Passolo
- 最多有2.5 GB的可用磁盘空间来运行 SDL Passolo
SDL Passolo 2018 Cumulative Update 14 (Build, published on 6 October 2021)
SDL Passolo Cumulative Update 14 contains all previous enhancements and hotfixes as well as the following new ones:
Licenses for the upcoming Passolo 2022 major release (tentatively scheduled for release in November 2021) can now be used to activate Passolo 2018 to allow a smooth migration to Passolo 2022 when it becomes available.
Passolo has been updated to support the TLS 1.2 protocol when connecting to our back-end systems. This affects the following areas:
Activating licenses with our licensing back-end system using the TLS 1.2 protocol. You must update to this cumulative update to be able to activate Passolo. (CRQ-25550)
Connecting to our Language Cloud platform. (CRQ-24010)
Using MS Translator for translation. (CRQ-23921)
Connecting to SFTP servers for synchronization. (CRQ-22065)
Fixed a crash occurring when adding a target path rule after adding files. (CRQ-25642)
Updated the Passolo 2018 Visual C++ 2010 redistributable to use the latest version and correct download. (CRQ-24087)
Fixed a crash when updating the source string list of a .NET project. (CRQ-20961)
SDL Passolo 2018 Cumulative Update 13 (Build, published on 19 January 2021)
SDL Passolo Cumulative Update 13 contains all previous enhancements and hotfixes as well as the following new ones:
Improved integration with Trados GroupShare
The Synchronize Exports option now automatically skips completed GroupShare projects. This ensures that strings in finalized projects are not unnecessarily updated. If you want to force synchronization for completed projects that contain required updates, right-click on a single project and select Synchronize Selected String Lists with GroupShare from the context menu. (CRQ-22012)
The Write selected strings option is now also available when exporting strings to .SDLXLIFF or GroupShare. This enables you to specify exactly which items in a string list should be exported to the .SDLXLIFF file or uploaded to the GroupShare server. (CRQ-22011)
General fixes and enhancements
Passolo silently reduced the size of .NET dialog boxes displayed for localization on systems with a screen resolution smaller than the dialog size. As a result, the translated software could contain resized dialog boxes and truncated UI controls and text. This issue is fixed with this CU. To fix existing Passolo software localization project files (LPU) affected by this issue, use the Passolo system macro available in the Knowledge Base article Fix resized .NET windows. (CRQ-21291)
More robust integration with SDL MultiTerm to avoid “Server busy” error messages. (CRQ-22340, CRQ-21401)
Resolved an issue with fuzzy match states not being correctly updated under certain circumstances. (CRQ-22206, CRQ-17910)
Added a link to the exported .CSV files in the Messages window. (CRQ-21541)
Fixed an issue with String IDs being exported incorrectly from .CSV files. (CRQ-21540)
Inline patterns after a newline were incorrectly identified as plain text. This is now fixed and Passolo treats such patterns as tags instead. (CRQ-21539)
Empty </item> entries are now correctly generated and no longer crash the Android parser. (CRQ-20896)
Passolo HTTPS links from comments can now be opened in the browser when clicked. (CRQ-19768)
Fixed “Unhandled Exception in Add-In. Component='DnJsonParser” error that occasionally occurred when trying to generate target files. (CRQ-18681)
Resolved issue where line breaks in .JSON files were not being but treated as actual line breaks instead. (CRQ-18438)
Fixed issue where the first letter of the string was added before the translated string if the .JSON source file contained line breaks. (CRQ-18437)
When exporting a bundle as .CSV, the Parser Comments were not included in the target file. This issue is now fixed. (CRQ-14661)
Translation matches manually updated in the Properties window now correctly change their match icon to grey. This visually indicates that the initial translation match has been modified and that the indicated fuzzy match score no longer reflects the current string. (CRQ-17910)
SDL Passolo 2018 Cumulative Update 12 (Build, published on 13 October 2020)
SDL Passolo Cumulative Update 11 (Build contains all previous enhancements and hotfixes as well as the following new one:
- Fixed issue that caused Passolo to occasionally stop responding when using the Look Up Terminology option. (CRQ-14508)
SDL Passolo 2018 Cumulative Update 11 (Build, published on 15 September 2020)
SDL Passolo Cumulative Update 11 (Build contains all previous enhancements and hotfixes as well as the following new ones:
Added compatibility with SDL Trados Studio 2021 and SDL MultiTerm 2021. (LG-25643)
SDL Passolo can now extract the IDs of subcontrol strings correctly, enabling the target application to use the translations available for such subcontrols. (CQR-20693). For information on displaying the string changes and disabling this fix, see Set up SDL Passolo to show changes in string IDs during update string list.
SDL Passolo 2018 Cumulative Update 10 (Build, Published on 9 June 2020)
SDL Passolo Cumulative Update 10 (Build contains all previous enhancements and hotfixes as well as the following new ones:
- XML Parser may create corrupt XML structures or encodings in target files under certain circumstances (CRQ-18782)
- Automatic selection of XML rules does not work as expected (CRQ-18749)
- Passolo 2018 YAML parser: non-breaking spaces (\_) get escaped incorrectly (\\_) in the target file. For inserting non-breaking space (NBSP) characters in the target files, we recommend that you use the shortcut CTRL+SHIFT+Space (same as in Microsoft Word) instead of typing \_ (CRQ-18871)
- When exporting a bundle via a SFTP connection using Private Key login, the pslscript file cannot be opened (CRQ-19225)
SDL Passolo 2018 Service Release 1 (Build, Published on 24 March 2020)
We added support for the latest neural SDL Machine Translation capability in the Language Cloud add-in in Passolo (CRQ-17368).
We updated the settings file for the XML Parser default rules to enhance support for XAML as well as QT 5.0 (CRQ-18431).
In some cases, importing SDLXLIFF was setting incorrect status information in Passolo. This has been addressed (CRQ-18337).
We improved the SDLXLIFF export and added the option "Write another file for each target language" which enhances the file management when using SDLXLIFF-based workflows (CRQ-18298).
We fixed an error where exporting SDLXLIFF from Passolo to GroupShare 2020 caused the error "System.Xml.XmlException: Data at the root level is invalid" (CRQ-18285).
The Scan Target File (Alignment) feature did not read the translation from a certain resource DLL correctly. This was fixed (CRQ-17018).
We fixed "Error - Unhandled Exception in Add-In" when saving the target file for a certain JSON file (CRQ-17004).
We fixed "Error - There was a problem while generating the apk" when saving the target file for APK files (CRQ-16892).
We fixed "assolo MSXML 6.0 ERROR - At line 3, column 11: DTD is prohibited" when using an XML file with DTD reference (CRQ-16752).
We addressed these problems in the Passolo 2018 YAML parser:
The Passolo JSON parser no longer changes numbers that are not translatable (CRQ-16391).
The Passolo Android parser now supports translatable="false" strings (CRQ-16383).
We fixed "Error - Unhandled Exception in Add-In. Component='DnJsonParser.Components.ParserComponent' Method='ParseFile' Message='Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: P." in the JSON parser (CRQ-16376).
We fixed "Error - Internal error - unhandled exception" when processing a file that contains Emoji characters with UTF-8 encoding (CRQ-16372).
The Passolo SDLXLIFF Export add-in now correctly updates the history of segments which are confirmed without being changed (CRQ-16210).
The Excel parser is more robust and can now correctly support files with twenty lines of empty brackets (CRQ-15778).
Passolo no longer creates unnecessary GDI objects during automation, slowing down the computer (CRQ-15679).
The Passolo license components were updated to the latest version (CRQ-14785). If you are using a network license, be sure to update SDL License Manager to the latest version (2.0.27550), if not already installed. Follow these steps:
SDL Passolo 2018 Cumulative Update 8 (Build, Published on 13 August 2019)
We upgraded MSXML 4.0 to MSXML 6.0 and removed the MSXML 4.0 dependency. As the XML parser still requires this dependency, if you want to use the XML parser, you need to install MSXML 4.0 separately.
Fixed issue with only one of a few elements of the document structure information being exported to SDLXLIFF (CRQ-15318).
The state of strings cannot be changed with the find and replace function anymore when Modify validated settings is disabled. (CRQ-14990).
Fixed issue with RC parser not localizing language code (CRQ-8557).
Virtually merging files in Trados Studio no longer breaks confirmation and auto-Propagation of segments in the SDLXLIFF export (CRQ-15663).
Made minor updates in user documentation (CRQ-14959, CRQ-15027).
SDL Passolo 2018 Cumulative Update 7 (Build, Published on 11 June 2019)
Fixed issue with Passolo getting stuck when updating the source string list of a .NET file (CRQ-14024).
Fixed the Line 3819: Parsing error. Unexpected operator in numerical expression error when processing certain .rc files (CRQ-14194).
Fixed the Line xarsing error. Menu string expected error when processing certain .rc files (CRQ-13533, CRQ-13770).
Fixed IDs being incorrectly replaced with empty strings within the target .rc file (CRQ-14140).
Fixed the Parser Error:HandleResource error when scanning target files (CRQ-13568).
Fixed issue with synchronization when importing an SDLXLIFF file and a local TM is used (CRQ-13929).
When exporting multiple files with the same source name, Passolo used to generate a single SDLXLIFF file even when the Write to separate files output option was selected (CRQ-13695).
There are now two new options in the Export/Import dialog for SDLXLIFF files that allow you to import changes back into Passolo even if locked strings were changed in Trados Studio (CRQ-14062).
Update locked strings - when enabled, any locked strings that were exported from Passolo and changed in Trados Studio will be imported with changes.
Update strings that have been locked outside Passolo - when enabled, any strings that were exported from Passolo and changed and locked in Trados Studio will be imported with changes.
Fixed losing license connection on Passolo with network license (CRQ-14570).
When Use Translation Assistant was selected, focus jumped from the Translation window to Messages. This is now fixed (CRQ-10880).
When the Passolo user interface language was set to German, the projects exported to Trados GroupShare were not synchronized. This is now fixed (CRQ-14435). In addition to this, in the German UI, the dialog box for specifying GroupShare locations was not fully functional. This was also addressed (CRQ-14436).
SDL Passolo 2018 Cumulative Update 6 (Build, Published on 6 February 2019)
Added compatibility with Microsoft Translator v3 (CRQ-10185).
Passolo now exports inline patterns as Trados Studio tags to SDLXLIFF when HTML tags inline pattern is enabled. (CRQ-13127).
Fixed error thrown when exporting a Polish file with special character to SDL Trados GroupShare (CRQ-13158).
Passolo did not retrieve fuzzy matches from termbases, only exact matches. This is now fixed. (CRQ-13180).
Fixed Unicode has stopped working error when adding a translation in a Glossary and Process carriage return (CR) and line feed (LF) as internal tags in translation window is enabled (CRQ-13237).
Fixed issue with Passolo TMX export adding an extra space near Line Feed characters for certain files when Additionally export translated entries that are not validated is enabled and Keep access keys, shortcuts and newlines is disabled (CRQ-13240).
SDL Passolo 2018 Cumulative Update 5 (Build, Published on 18 January 2019)
Cumulative Update 5 (Build contains all previous enhancements and hotfixes as well as the following new ones:
Fixed issue with preserving the source language of a cascaded project in exports (CRQ-11904).
Fixed Parser Error:TypeConverter cannot convert from System.String. error when saving certain RESX files (CRQ-11186).
Fixed ERROR in Delphi parser - Read error while processing file error when certain files (CRQ-11042).
Fixed issue with preserving \r\n\ line break formatting (CRQ-10802).
Fixed throwing the N strings did not use the translation, because the source file has changed text or coordinates. warning when generating target files (CRQ-8438).
Fixed issue with comments being copied between projects (CRQ-11431).
Added a new option in Options > Tags to Process carriage return (CR) and line feed (LF) as internal tags in translation window that is enabled by default. When enabled, \r and \n chars are displayed as tags no matter how the Edit tagged strings option is set (CRQ-12068).
Fixed issue with Passolo not properly recognizing some menu items and throwing the [x] strings did not use the translation, because the source file has changed text or coordinates warning when generating the target file (CRQ-12166).
Passolo does not change the format of numbers when working with certain Excel files (CRQ-12424).
The strings imported from split bundles are no longer set as untranslated. (CRQ-12553).
The configuration files for accessing server-based TMs was improved so that the credentials are now saved even when multiple users access the TM. For this to work for already set up environments, access: Tools > Add-ins > Translation > SDL Trados Studio > Setup > Add Translation Memory > Server-Based Translation Memory > Servers > Close > Cancel (there is no need to change anything). After that, the file can be shared on network (CRQ-6839).
Fixed the ERROR - [file] does not respect the proper JSON format and ERROR - Parsing was aborted with no changes because file check failed. Format is incorrect. errors thrown when processing certain files. (CRQ-11533).
Fixed issue with words being split when the string does not fit the column and the Dynamic row height and Show Whitespace characters options are enabled (CRQ-12870).
Fixed integration issues with SDL MultiTerm 2019 CU1 (CRQ-12869; CRQ-12980).
Fixed integration issues with SDL Trados Studio 2019/2019 SR1 (CRQ-13101).
SDL Passolo 2018 Cumulative Update 4 (Build, Published on 30 July 2018)
Added a new option to Write to single export file for SDLXLIFF export/import. This option allows users to export multiple translation lists into one single exported files and then import the files back in the initial sources. For the moment, this only works for Trados Studio; support for the Online Editor in Trados GroupShare will follow soon (CRQ-10372).
Added filtering by translated or untranslated strings for SDLXLIFF export (CRQ-10373).
Reference files can now be added to project that are uploaded to SDL Trados GroupShare (CRQ-10382).
Added SDL Trados GroupShare integration features to COM Automation: PslProject.ExportGroupShare and PslProject.ImportGroupShare (CRQ-10370).
Fixed Unhandled Exception in Add-In.[...] Message='Unexpected character encountered while parsing value error when generating certain .resjson translation file (CRQ-10288).
The Show whitespace option now also controls the display of ZWS, NBSP, LRM and RLM tags (CRQ-10672).
Fixed issue with batch mode stopping at first encountered error (CRQ-10458).
Fixed issue with Passolo trying to retrieve the .tbrans file from a bundle whose export is canceled, thus causing an error during synchronization (CRQ-10400).
Macros can now change the pslStateAutoTranslated property (CRQ-10616).
SDL Passolo 2018 Cumulative Update 3 (Build, Published on 21 June 2018)
Added support for SDL MultiTerm 2019.
Added convert parameter to the /openproject command. When this parameter is used, the project is not opened in read-only mode, but opened and converted to the actual project version. Also, an additional BAK file will be saved. (CRQ-10048).
Fixed Warning - The TM is disabled! To store a translation enabled it from the add-in settings error message when sending strings to the Trados Studio translation add-in and there are disabled TMs (CRQ-5420).
When sending strings to the Trados Studio translation add-in, Passolo will not throw any error message if at least one TM is marked for update. If not TM is marked for update, Passolo will only throw a single error message for each TM (CRQ-4481).
Fixed Object reference not set to an instance of an object error thrown when updating the source of a certain WPF file (CRQ-9897).
Fixed Scan error in custom resource error thrown when updating the source string list for a certain Delphi file (CRQ-9855).
Fixed read-only entries not remaining locked when exporting to SDLXLIFF format (CRQ-10282).
Fixed Passolo throwing a warning message when working with multiple cascaded projects and creating or updating a string list or when generating the target file (CRQ-10233).
Fixed issue with parser comments not being exported in XML export/import files (CRQ-10316).
Fixed issue when copying a string text from Passolo using Copy Text to Clipboard and Show Whitespace characters is on that resulted in the text being copied to also include dots. (CRQ-10067).
For certain DLL files, updated properties for empty strings were not updated after using a new version of the source. This is now fixed (CRQ-10226).
Fixed issue with data retrieved from Recycle Bin getting corrupted when pre-translating all strings using Current Project and Include Recycle Bin options enabled. (CRQ-8918).
Fixed issue with strings not being completely displayed when the Dynamic row height and the Show Whitespace options are selected (CRQ-9213).
Fixed throwing Passolo, Unicode has stopped working error while using the Translator Assistant with the Properties window closed (CRQ-10059).
SDL Passolo 2018 Cumulative Update 2 (Build, Published on 29 May 2018)
The Passolo to Trados Groupshare integration is now more robust:
For project creation:
the due date has been made optional and is now off by default
before project creation, Passolo retrieves the template information and checks if languages match exported stringlist languages.
a check was added for another project with the same name to avoid a failed project creation.
a check was added for project status
users can now close the project creation dialog box without stopping the process which will continue in the background
For synchronization:
added a check for project status; an error message is shown if something goes wrong
fixed issue with synchronization for exported and then deleted source lists
added a visual mark for exported projects and stringlists.
added the ability to "unexport" project, available from the context menu
Added support for SDL Trados Studio 2019.
Made changes to word counting for Chinese and Japanese: each Chinese or Japanese character is now counted as one word; Western words within Chinese or Japanese content will also be counted as one word (CRQ-9737).
Fixed issue with options for leverage of previous translations not being saved (CRQ-9478).
Fixed issue with handling strings after being untranslated (CRQ-9736).
Fixed Unhandled exceptions in add-in "Android Parser" error when opening certain strings and updating the Source string list (CRQ-8452).
Fixed issue with terminology check giving wrong results when checking a string that contains a word and a compounded word that includes that word (CRQ-9490).
Fixed issue with not propagating files you add to a project into its cascaded project if both projects are unpacked (CRQ-9342).
Fixed issue with the batch mode /update command not working when the Allow more than 20 strings to be deleted during update option from batch options is enabled. (CRQ-9720).
Fixed Passolo crash when searching in a .tbulic file with the Find all option and with all string lists set as location (CRQ-9947).
Fixed PASSOLO, Unicode has stopped working error occurring when exporting projects via Trados GroupShare.
Fixed issue with synchronizing projects after a server is removed.
Exporting a target string list to Trados GroupShare a second time will now overwrite the first export.
It is now possible to set the source string status to Bookmarked using macro (CRQ-9289).
The last character of a piece of text is not omitted anymore when using the Copy source text to clipboard or Copy translation to clipboard options (CRQ-7941).
SDL Passolo 2018 CU1 (Build, Published on 17 April 2018)
Cumulative Update 1 (Build contains all previous enhancements and hotfixes as well as the following new ones:
In the Microsoft Translator Hub settings dialog, there is now an option to choose a Category (CRQ-6895).
Added a progress bar when a SDL Trados GroupShare project is created.
Added an option to embed user settings in a bundle, apply them when the bundle is opened while backing up the overwritten settings.
Fixed issue with Win32 Dialog Editor flickering after control position change (CRQ-5160).
Fixed issue with option for German user interface being disable in the User Interface Language options.
Fixed throwing of Passolo, Unicode has stopped working error when trying to export a Serbian(Latin) or Bosnian(Latin) translation bundle with the SDL MultiTerm - Export option (CRQ-8220).
Fixed issue with HTML head element being replaced with the file encoding when no charset is defined (CRQ-6787).
Fixed issue when using a Trados Studio 2017 TM for fuzzy translation or as a pre-translate provider and the "Value does not fall within the expected range" error is thrown for some strings while also disabling the TM. (CRQ-8708).
Fixed Stop System Macro not ending a certain script (CRQ-6088).
Fixed issue with string status not being changed from For review to Validated when synchronizing projects in the Collaboration edition (CRQ-8568).
Fixed searching inside Parser Comments (CRQ-5937).
Fixed issue with Passolo Excel Addin writing an empty cell for strings that are validated or in For review status if they have the same translation (CRQ-9477).
Fixed throwing of the Passolo, Unicode has stopped working error when looking up terms in certain termbases.
Fixed issue with Passolo not finding all matches during pre-translation for certain glossaries.
Fixed issue with Passolo not returning an error code from batch processing when batch commands fail.
Fixed issue with Passolo returning incorect results when using the Find/Replace tool for complex strings that contain many line feeds (CRQ-4161).
Fixed issue with Passolo freezing when running a certain Macro (CRQ-4459).
Passolo used to extract Style elements for WPF applications. This does not happen anymore (CRQ-8571).
Fixed missing Assembly and Data from target file for certain RESX files (CRQ-8569).
Force Edit is not required anymore for editing certain dialogs (CRQ-6239).
Fixed issue with XAML strings being extracted for localization and not imported when generating the target file (CRQ-8570).
Passolo2018 v18.0.54.exe
Passolo2018 v18.0.56.exe
Passolo2018 v18.0.68.exe
Passolo2018 v18.0.83.exe
Passolo2018 v18.0.90.exe
Passolo2018 v18.0.97.exe
Passolo2018 v18.0.105.exe
Passolo2018 v18.0.109.exe
Passolo2018 v18.0.130.exe
Passolo2018 v18.0.133.exe
Passolo2018 v18.0.152.exe
Passolo2018 18.0.157.exe
Passolo2018 18.0.161.exe
Passolo2018 18.0.162.exe
Passolo2018 18.0.171.exe
Passolo2018 18.0.178.exe
SDL Passolo 2018 v18.0.161 汉化版 V4.exe
SDL Passolo 2018 v18.0.162 汉化版.exe
SDL Passolo 2018 v18.0.171 简体中文直装版.exe
SDL Passolo 2018 18.0.178 直装完美版.exe
Passolo 2018 v18.0.105 汉化补丁.exe
Passolo 2018 v18.0.130 汉化补丁.exe
Passolo 2018 v18.0.56 汉化补丁.exe
Passolo 2018 v18.0.97 汉化补丁.exe
SDL Passolo 2018 v18.0.161 汉化补丁 V4.exe
SDL Passolo 2018 v18.0.162 汉化补丁.exe