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INNO 背景图

发表于 2017-2-26 14:11:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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  1. [code]
  2. procedure AboutButtonOnClick(Sender: TObject);
  3. begin
  4. MsgBox('版权所有 ? 开心联盟', mbInformation, mb_Ok);
  5. end;

  6. procedure URLLabelOnClick(Sender: TObject);
  7. var
  8. ErrorCode: Integer;
  9. begin
  10. ShellExec('open', 'http://New.av63.com', '', '', SW_SHOWNORMAL, ewNoWait, ErrorCode);
  11. end;

  12. function mciSendString(lpszCommand: String; lpszReturnString: Integer; cchReturnLength: Integer; hwndCallback: Integer): Integer;
  13. external 'mciSendStringA@winmm.dll stdcall';

  14. procedure InitializeWizard();
  15. var
  16. AboutButton, CancelButton: TButton;
  17. URLLabel: TNewStaticText;
  18. BackgroundBitmapImage: TBitmapImage;
  19. BackgroundBitmapText: TNewStaticText;

  20. SplashImage: TBitmapImage;
  21. GnatixInfo: TLabel;
  22. SplashForm: TForm;
  23. SplashFileName: String;
  24. I: Integer;
  25. begin
  26. CancelButton := WizardForm.CancelButton;

  27. AboutButton := TButton.Create(WizardForm);
  28. AboutButton.Left := WizardForm.ClientWidth - CancelButton.Left - CancelButton.Width;
  29. AboutButton.Top := CancelButton.Top;
  30. AboutButton.Width := CancelButton.Width;
  31. AboutButton.Height := CancelButton.Height;
  32. AboutButton.Caption := '关于(&A)...';
  33. AboutButton.OnClick := @AboutButtonOnClick;
  34. AboutButton.Parent := WizardForm;

  35. URLLabel := TNewStaticText.Create(WizardForm);
  36. URLLabel.Caption := 'New.av63.com';
  37. URLLabel.Cursor := crHand;
  38. URLLabel.OnClick := @URLLabelOnClick;
  39. URLLabel.Parent := WizardForm;

  40. URLLabel.Font.Style := URLLabel.Font.Style + [fsUnderline];
  41. URLLabel.Font.Color := clBlue;
  42. URLLabel.Top := AboutButton.Top + AboutButton.Height - URLLabel.Height - 2;
  43. URLLabel.Left := AboutButton.Left + AboutButton.Width + ScaleX(20);

  44. SplashFileName := ExpandConstant('{tmp}logo.bmp');
  45. ExtractTemporaryFile(ExtractFileName(SplashFileName));
  46. ExtractTemporaryFile(ExtractFileName(ExpandConstant('{tmp}music.mid')));

  47. BackgroundBitmapImage := TBitmapImage.Create(MainForm);
  48. BackgroundBitmapImage.Left := 50;
  49. BackgroundBitmapImage.Top := 100;
  50. BackgroundBitmapImage.AutoSize := True;
  51. {原来的脚本段 BackgroundBitmapImage.Bitmap := WizardForm.WizardBitmapImage.Bitmap; 修改为以下}
  52. BackgroundBitmapImage.Bitmap.LoadFromFile(ExpandConstant('{tmp}Logo.bmp')); //这里就是背景图位置
  53. BackgroundBitmapImage.Parent := MainForm;

  54. BackgroundBitmapText := TNewStaticText.Create(MainForm);
  55. BackgroundBitmapText.Left := BackgroundBitmapImage.Left;
  56. BackgroundBitmapText.Top := BackgroundBitmapImage.Top + BackgroundBitmapImage.Height + ScaleY(8);
  57. BackgroundBitmapText.Caption := '开心联盟';
  58. BackgroundBitmapText.Parent := MainForm;

  59. WizardForm.BeveledLabel.Enabled:= True;
  60. WizardForm.BeveledLabel.Font.Color:= $00C59016;
  61. WizardForm.BeveledLabel.Top:= WizardForm.BeveledLabel.Top+3;

  62. SplashForm := TForm.create(nil);
  63. with SplashForm do
  64. begin
  65. BorderStyle := bsNone;
  66. Position := poScreenCenter;
  67. ClientWidth := 250;
  68. ClientHeight := 236;
  69. Color:= $00E7AD29;
  70. end;

  71. SplashImage := TBitmapImage.Create(SplashForm);
  72. GnatixInfo := TLabel.Create(SplashForm);
  73. with SplashImage do
  74. begin
  75. Bitmap.LoadFromFile(SplashFileName);
  76. Stretch := true;
  77. Align := alClient;
  78. Parent := SplashForm;
  79. end;

  80. with GnatixInfo do
  81. begin
  82. Left := 176;
  83. Top := 215;
  84. Caption :='请稍候...';
  85. Parent := SplashForm;
  86. Font.Name:= '宋体';
  87. Font.Height:= -14;
  88. Font.Style:= [fsBold];
  89. Font.Color:= clWhite;
  90. end;

  91. with SplashForm do
  92. begin
  93. Show;
  94. for I := 1 to 6 do
  95. begin
  96. Repaint;
  97. if I mod 2 = 0 then
  98. gnatixinfo.visible:= true
  99. else
  100. gnatixinfo.visible:= false;
  101. Sleep(500);
  102. end;
  103. mciSendString(ExpandConstant('play {tmp}music.mid'),0,0,0);
  104. Close;
  105. Free;
  106. end;
  107. end;


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